Canva In this article, we’ll explore some of the best places to find free datasets for machine learning and provide tips on evaluating their suitability for your project. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced machine learning engineer, this guide will help you find the free datasets for machine learning that you need to take your projects to the next level.

What is a Dataset?

Datasets are collections of data for analysis. It can be as large or small as you need and contain any information you need to learn from. Datasets are used in many fields, including data science, machine learning, and business research. You can find datasets on the Internet or create your own by collecting data from various sources. Datasets are often used to train machine learning algorithms and make predictions based on past data. They can also be used for exploratory data analysis (EDA), which involves looking at your data in detail to discover patterns and relationships between different variables.

Google Dataset Search is a tool from Google that helps you find free datasets for machine learning. This is an excellent way to learn about a new dataset and see how it can be used for your next project. Google Data Search You can search for datasets by topic, source, or language. Additionally, you can filter your search results by file format, license, and data type (publicly available or not). When you find a dataset that interests you, click on the “View” button to see more information about it. This includes how many times it has been downloaded as well as its size in gigabytes (GB), megabytes (MB), kilobytes (KB), and bytes (B). Additionally, you’ll see a brief description of what the dataset contains so that you can decide whether it would suit your needs.

2. Datahub is a centralized source for open data sets. It provides access to all sorts of data, including the stock market and finance. It’s also an excellent place to go if you want to find open datasets related to specific subjects, like the environment or public safety. Datahub The site has made it easy for anyone to start using their resources. You can search by keyword, category, and license type, so it’s easy to find a suitable dataset for your project. If you need help finding what you need on the site’s main page, there are collections where you can search or request customized data from the team.

3. Kaggle

Kaggle is a platform that allows users to create competitions and then source data from users willing to share their data and contribute to the competition. Kaggle competitions can be used to get information on how well your algorithm performs, or they can be used as a way to get new ideas for algorithms. Kaggle Users can also use the Kaggle platform to find new datasets and explore them. The website lists all sorts of datasets and lets you see how other users have explored them. This can be a great resource if you want to learn more about how other people have approached your dataset or if you’re looking for inspiration for your exploration.

4. Data.Gov

Data.Gov is a US government website that contains data on anything you can think of, including information on the economy, education, and health. The site is updated monthly with new datasets, so it’s a great place to start if you’re looking for timely and relevant data. Data.Gov You can find datasets here by searching by category or keyword. You can also browse by department or specific topics, such as energy or politics. You can also search for particular datasets on Data.Gov’s homepage. The site is organized into multiple sections, including “Open Government”, “Development”, and “Health & Human Services”. Each section has a list of datasets available through Data.Gov’s API, which means they’re all free to use in your projects.

5. EarthData

EarthData is a data repository that contains over 3,000 datasets related to Earth science and climate change. The site is maintained by NASA and NOAA, which provides high-quality geospatial data that can be used for both academic research and commercial applications. EarthData The EarthData website allows users to explore various types of data sets on a map, including temperature records from around the world, satellite images of the Earth’s surface, and historical records of oceanic conditions. The site also includes an extensive collection of maps and charts that may be useful for those looking for specific information about climate change or other aspects of earth science.

6. UCI Machine Learning Repository

The UCI Machine Learning Repository is an online resource that provides free datasets for machine learning. It provides hundreds of datasets you can use to start machine learning and data science projects. You can browse the collections by category or search by keyword. UCI The repository was established thirty years ago and had a solid reputation as the go-to source for machine learning data among academics, educators, and students.

7. Global Health Observatory Data Repository

The Global Health Observatory Data Repository is a data collection from the World Health Organization (WHO). It contains information on more than 200 diseases, including their causes and effects and their geographic distribution. GHO The WHO aims to use this repository to improve global health by providing a centralized location for healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers to access data about disease outbreaks worldwide.

8. British Film Institute

The British Film Institute (BFI) is a film industry charity collecting data on British films since the 1930s. The BFI publishes the results of its research in several formats, including spreadsheets, PDFs, and CSV files. BFI The BFI provides statistics on all aspects of UK film production and distribution, including information about UK-produced films released in cinemas and those shown on television. They also provide data on how many people attend cinemas in the UK and abroad.

9. CERN Open Data Portal

The CERN Open Data Portal is a great place to start if you’re looking for free datasets for machine learning that are related to science and technology. The portal includes datasets from the European Organization for Nuclear Research or CERN. CERN In addition, the portal has an extensive list of datasets that contain information about particle physics, nuclear physics, engineering, and many other topics.

10. FBI Crime Data Explorer

The FBI Crime Data Explorer is an excellent resource for anyone interested in exploring crime data. It’s easy to use and provides a wide range of information about crimes in the US. FBI Crime Data Explorer The tool allows you to view data by state or by year. Additionally, you have the option of choosing between different types of crimes. You can see how many crimes have been reported in each state or county over time. You can also see which offenses are most common in each area and compare rates of different crimes across different locations.

11. is a community of data enthusiasts where you can find free datasets to use for your next data analytics project. Whether you’re looking for something specific or want to browse through the available datasets, this platform has something for everyone. is not just a source of free datasets for machine learning—it’s also a community where people can connect and collaborate on projects. When you find a dataset that you’d like to use in your project, it’s easy to share it with other users on the platform so they can help you build and test your models.

12. NYC Taxi Trip Data

NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) has significant datasets you can use for your next project. The TLC regulates NYC’s ground transportation, including taxicabs and limousines. NYC Taxi Trip Data The dataset contains information on taxi trips taken in the city, including the date and time of the journey and where it started and ended. You can also find out if the trip was one-way or roundtrip, how long it took to complete, and how many passengers were in each cab during the journey.

13. GitHub: Awesome Public Datasets

You can use the free datasets for machine learning from many projects hosted on GitHub, which is the industry standard for collaborative and open-source online code repositories. A project named Awesome Public Datasets was created exclusively for public datasets. GitHub Like Kaggle, GitHub’s datasets are a bonus feature of the site’s primary function. GitHub’s primary goal is to serve as a code repository service. While it won’t have the same variety of free datasets for machine learning as Google or Kaggle, it can still be a valuable resource. However, GitHub is not a data repository explicitly designed for dataset discovery, so you might need to be a little inventive to find the free datasets for machine learning that you’re searching for.


In conclusion, finding quality free datasets for machine learning is essential for any machine learning project. Using the resources and tips outlined in this article, you can quickly locate and evaluate the best free datasets for machine learning to help you achieve your goals. So don’t let a lack of data hold you back - start exploring these free datasets for machine learning today and take your project to new heights. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Hassan

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