Watch NASA Video of the Coolest Eclipse Ever Recorded What you’re about to see is one of Mars’ moons passing in front of the sun—filmed from the Perseverance rover positioned on the red planet itself. (April 26, 2022)
Tech Business News
Twitter Agrees to Musk Offer and a 5-Year-Old Tweet Surfaces That Predicted the Future In the context of today’s news, this tweet from 2017 has some ironic new significance. If you haven’t seen this, you’ll want to check it out. (April 25, 2022)
Watch This Remote Pilot’s Skill as He Expertly Guides a Drone Around the Inside of a Barn IMAGO / YAY This drone plays in the hay and and then buzzes the rafters with astonishing finesse. (April 28, 2022)
April 25, 2022 Clocking the Pace of This Electric-Powered Skateboard Watch video of this e-board skater cruising through a suburban neighborhood at speeds meant for a car. (April 25, 2002)
Chemistry Experiment
Video: Impress Your Friends With This Amazing Chemistry Trick That Seems Magical It’s called the iodine clock reaction, and all it takes is a few simple household chemicals you may already have. The speed of the transformation is stunning. (April 27, 2022)
iPhone Wellness
Simplify and Enhance Your iPhone Wellness With these 7 Hacks These smooth tricks you probably don’t know about will save you time, make you more efficient—and you can even have some fun while you’re at it. (April 28, 2022)
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